
This module provides a simple interface to log information. It supports 4 levels of logs (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR), and the minimum log level can be specified.

Interface Information

To add a logger to your module you can follow this pattern

local logger = setmetatable({}, {__index=function () return function () end end})
if loaded.logger then
  logger = loaded.logger.interface.logger(id,label)

This will make your requirement of logger optional. Then you may simply log information like so

logger:debug("Some debug info!")
logger:info("Some information!")
logger:warn("A warning!")
logger:error("An error, %s", "by the way these all format strings")

Redirecting log output

To redirect the log to a different location, you may call loaded.logger.interface.setWriter.

Internal Information

Metatables. There’s not much going on here other than creating logging objects using meta